[Updated 10.2023]
MASTER EDCOIN WALLET (also known by its abbreviated name of ME WALLET) is the all-in-one super wallet for all things related to the EDCOIN ecosystem.
In short, it supersedes (replaces) the following:
2. EDCOIN Smart Staking Web App
All future development of new uses for EDCOIN (EDC) will be done within the MASTER EDCOIN WALLET @ ME WALLET.
Currently, the MASTER EDCOIN WALLET @ ME WALLET supports:
1. Save storing of EDCOIN (EDC)
2. Depositing and withdrawals of EDC
3. ME WALLET Referral Links (and rewards, when available)
4. Conversion of EDC to EDPOINTS
5. EDCOIN Smart Staking (when available)
Future plans for MASTER EDCOIN WALLET @ ME WALLET include Web 3.0, Livemall and other functionalities that would increase the use cases for EDCOIN (EDC) holders.
We have prepared tutorials for you.
Depending on where your EDC is currently kept, please view the following tutorials:
1) If your EDC is in EDCOIN APP | https://youtu.be/N0P2nVAX0QY
2) If your EDC was in the EDCOIN SMART STAKING WEBSITE | https://youtu.be/W-2chK1u6cc
3) If your EDC is in a MARKETPLACE account | https://youtu.be/79tnGZiuw9w
4) If your EDC is kept in other wallets | https://youtu.be/9ot1ZHoe0-g
The MASTER EDCOIN WALLET @ ME WALLET is available in both ANDROID and WEB APP versions.
To download MASTER EDCOIN WALLET @ ME WALLET to your Android Phone from the GOOGLE PLAYSTORE, please visit:
To access the WEB APP version with your favourite browser, please visit:
For iPhone users and Desktop users, we recommend that you use the WEB APP version with your favourite browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.)