[Updated 10.2023]

We have prepared a tutorial for you:


In this tutorial, you will learn how to withdraw your EDC (EDCOIN) to another wallet that can receive EDC (EDCOIN).

To protect your balance and ensure that your withdrawal is safe and successful, please note that: 

Email Authentication is required for withdrawals of up to 500 EDC.

For withdrawals of 501 EDC and above, Google Authentication i.e. Google 2 Factor Authentication is required.

Please take note of the minimum withdrawal limit and the maximum withdrawal limit. 

At the time of this recording, the Minimum Withdrawal is 100 EDC and the Maximum DAILY Withdrawal is 10,000 EDC. This may vary from time to time. 

Please DOUBLE CHECK the address that you intend to transfer your EDC to is correct. Entering a wrong address can result in the permanent lost of your EDC.

EDC is an ERC-20 token. Please ensure that you are entering an ERC20 i.e. ETHEREUM ADDRESS. Entering a non-ERC20 or non-Ethereum address can result in the permanent lost of your EDC. 

Please take note of the current withdrawal fee. This is the transaction fee or cost to process a withdrawal which will be adjusted to reflect on-chain ETHEREUM fees. For example, if you are withdrawing 1,000 EDC and the current withdrawal fee is 5 EDC, the receiving address will receive 1,000 EDC – 5 EDC = 995 EDC. 



2. Check your available balance.

3. Click on WITHDRAW MONEY to start a withdrawal.

4. Enter the amount of EDC you wish to withdraw.

5. Please take note of the minimum withdrawal allowed.

6. Enter the wallet address (destination) you wish to send EDC to.

7. Please DOUBLE CHECK to ensure that you have pasted/entered the correct address. Entering a wrong address can result in the permanent lost of your EDC.     

8. Please ensure that you are entering an ERC20 i.e. ETHEREUM ADDRESS. Entering a non-ERC20 or non-Ethereum address can result in the permanent lost of your EDC. 

9. Proceed with your enabled Authentication. (This could be either EMAIL Authentication or Google Authentication App.)

10. Copy the Authentication Code from your email inbox (also check your spam folder) or Google Authentication App (within the time limit).

11. Paste the Authentication Code.

12. Click on SUBMIT to proceed with your withdrawal.

13. Your withdrawal transaction will be processed. The date & time and reference number will appear after your withdrawal is processed.

14. You can monitor the transaction status under LATEST TRANSACTIONS or in the WITHDRAWAL log.