[Updated 1.2024]
As of January 25, 2024, it is possible to convert EDCOIN into EDPOINTS and have the EDPOINTS sent to a recipient with an EDA/ED2E number registered in another country.
Yes, that means that if your MASTER EDCOIN WALLET's KYC was done for, say, the PHILIPPINES, you can perform an EDCOIN Conversion and specify an EDA/ED2E number of a recipient whose EDA/E2DE registration is in SENEGAL.
You will need to convert EDCOIN into EDPOINTS and then specify the receiver's EDA/ED2E number.
It is important to know that the EDCOIN to EDPOINTS conversion feature is available only within the EDCOIN community's all-in-one wallet i.e., the MASTER EDCOIN WALLET.
Existing EDPOINTS cannot be transferred across different countries. Only fresh conversions of EDCOIN into EDPOINTS will have access to the CROSS BORDER conversion within the MASTER EDCOIN WALLET.
Here are is a slide to slide guide on how you can do this.
There are 14 slides in total.